To create an Akeneo admin user via the command line, you can make use of the Symfony console provided by Akeneo.
If you have installed an empty Akeneo, There is no default admin account. so you need to create an admin user via the command like.
For that, you have to open terminal/command prompt.
You now have to create an administrator user via the command pim:user:create. There is no default admin account. For instance:
Single Command:
bin/console pim:user:create superadmin GENERATEDSUPERADMINPASSWORD Super Admin en_US --admin -n --env=prod
- superadmin is the user name.
- email
Described Command:
You also can create user using Question and input just enter after the command
bin/console pim:user:create
It will ask Some inputs from you like below
Please enter the user's information below.
Username :
Password (the input will be hidden) :
Confirm password :
First name :
Last name :
Email :
UI default locale code (e.g. "en_US") :
Catalog default locale code (e.g. "en_US") :
Catalog default scope code (e.g. "ecommerce") :
Default tree code (e.g. "master") :
Now, we successfully created a new admin account. The system returns this message:
User admin has been created.
Now to go to admin login page, and fill the login details.
Reference: Akeneo Docs